Live stream returns tonight at 8pm EST

Just a reminder that Ben and I are back live streaming tonight at 8pm EST! We had no idea it was American Thanksgiving today when we agreed on it, but hopefully some people will still tune in. I'll try not to schedule the next one on a major national holiday (unless it goes really well and then major national holidays only from now on.)

Been feeling a bit guilty towards my $10/month Patrons as I haven’t been digging up any good embarrassment content lately so I decided to throw your names (minus last name for privacy) on the opening and closing stream screens. No shade to the other Patreon tiers, just thought it might be a fun thing to try out as a thank you for that extra support.

Anyway, missed doing this so I’m looking forward to getting back at it, see you in the chat!


Brad Turcottenews, front, live