Updated site design

Slightly rearranged site design is online now. The blog is now here. Please update your links for uninterrupted Brad service. In the site design there were a few goals:

  • Reduce sidebar clutter. I'm down to one now and working through it in therapy with the love and support of my family.
  • Move the weblog to a /blog/ page, to make the site a bit less crazy for new people.
  • Break up the news and weblog so I don't feel like I'm burying the news whenever I blog.

The front page is just a placeholder right now and will have a static, more traditional band design in the future once I have something worth featuring there.

There's now a Flash player on the right sidebar under my album for a quick listen. I'm not usually a big fan of Flash, but in this instance I think it's way more convenient than having MP3 links. You can still get the MP3s on the album or music pages of course. Let me know if you have any feedback.