The Hype Machine

heartI'm in love with The Hype Machine. Specifically Hype Machine Radio.

Hype Machine is a music blog aggregator -- indexing the songs and bands written about and linked to on popular music blogs. Hype Machine radio is "a non-stop stream of popular and recent tracks posted by music blogs."

I've tried a lot of different audio streams over the years with no luck. I would rarely (if ever) find new songs and artists I wanted to listen to but The Hype Machine's been delivering that on a regular basis. That's pretty exciting for a music curmudgeon such as myself.

The aggregated aspect is very interesting as well -- I find even if I don't like a song that's playing, it's interesting to me that it's noteworthy enough to have been blogged. So I find I'm a bit more patient and tolerant with the music compared to regular ol' corporate radio.

I had given up on radio but now I need to figure out how to feed this into my living room.