Hey all, how have you been? Post-album it's been upgrade season around here. New gear, better health, hopefully more positive attitude. I'm getting ready to start finishing up some new music. Still not sure what to do with it yet but I'm excited (& nervous) to get back at it after such a long break. Some of these upgrades: New monitors (Event 20/20bas -> Focal CMS 65's), new bass guitar (Yamaha RBX260 -> Fender American Standard Precision), new amp (Tech 21 Power Engine -> Surf Green Fender Blues Jr), better audio interface (MOTU Ultralite mk3 -> Focusrite Scarlett 2i4), new self help strategy (CBT -> ACT), new drum skills (couldn't play drums -> can sort of play drums now), better guitar skills (could not play 7ths all over the neck -> can now play 7ths all over the neck).

I drink these smoothies now. They have bee pollen in them. And the color green.
