Happy holidays everyone, I hope 2016 didn't do any damage to your face or hands. Everyone says this year was bad, but I’ve been hating years for years over here. Most are wildly overrated. Anyway, in celebration of the end of this garbage-ass timespan, here’s a 2016 mix of Fuck You, Motherfucker (It’s Christmas):

Originally written and released by John Benjamin on December 22, 2002, I recorded my version on December 23, 2009. My intention was for it to grow to become an Instant Holiday Classic (IHC), an irritating radio staple that once a year would make me wealthy beyond my wildest Christmas imaginings. This plan has not yet come to fruition.

JB has a band called Ménage À Garage.

I continue on as Brad Sucks.

Good luck in 2017.

musicBrad Turcotte2 Comments