100% Funded!

Wow, what a wild 24 hours! Before Monday I was like, “well, we made it to 90% of our goal and that’s still totally still great and more than I deserve! 😀😀” but yesterday the campaign wound up blowing past 100% funding in a matter of hours. Unbelievable. Thank you everybody, especially the sweet folks in the Brad Sucks Discord for your support & encouragement yesterday.

A little progress update: we’ve got one more rehearsal while we prep for drum recording on February 24th and 25th. In the meantime I’m working on guide tracks and finalizing lyrics and getting moving on the artwork and release plan. And then there’s basically an entire album of custom cover requests to record(!). It’s gonna be a busy time but I’m excited to get at it. Going forward, I’ll be posting short updates to social media and saving longer updates for Indiegogo, my website and Patreon.

And finally, I just want to say thank you all for being cool with this way of doing things. I feel a bit cheesy asking for cash but in the current streaming era the pre-order/fundraising model seems to be the best way to guarantee there’s enough interest to do these projects. And I’m extremely grateful & validated that there seems to be.

Feel free to message me if you have any questions or comments about the campaign or album or anything. Thank you again!
