Digital Distribution Nearing

I got an email from CD Baby over the weekend updating me on the progress of the digital distribution service. Apparently I Don't Know What I'm Doing is up on MusicNet which is AOL's bundled music service. If anyone's on AOL out there and wants to let me know if my stuff actually shows up, that'd be real cool. The list of pending services is pretty nifty: iTunes, Rhapsody, Napster, MusicMatch, BuyMusic, Emusic and AudioLunchbox. Apparently the album has been delivered to most of them so it's just a matter of them sticking it online.

I kind of just bumbled into this digital distribution thing but I'm finding it more and more exciting as time goes on and the world slowly changes. People in real life are talking more and more about various digital music services and having my stuff on there feels somehow like I have snuck infinite copies of my dumb album onto the shelves of some massive international store. And I likes sneakin'.

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