'Sound Advice on Developing Your Home Studio' Review

I've been meaning to complain here about books on mixing and recording not including audio example CDs. I don't understand why they don't all come with them. They don't cost much to include and it seems stupid to even try to talk about audio concepts without audio examples to illustrate what the hell you're talking about. I own a lot of books on recording, and yet for some reason Sound Advice on Developing Your Home Studio is the first one I've bought with an included audio CD. This is just one book in the six book InstantPro series and as the name implies, it mostly covers things like cables, monitor positioning and room acoustics.

It would be a good book without the audio CD. For a small book (79 pages), it has quite a bit of detailed and practical information for the beginner. But with the CD, it's fantastic. You can write pages and pages about why it's a good idea to worry about your studio acoustics, but one good audio example will get the job done better.

The book covered a lot of stuff I was already familiar with and didn't have a lot of new information for me. However, the audio CD was well worth it and I'm really interested in checking out some of the other books and CDs in the series, particularly Compressors, Limiters, Expanders & Gates, and Equalizers, Reverbs & Delays.
